Monday, November 24, 2008


My kids (especially the girls) love bugs. I guess it started a few years ago when they discovered rolly pollies in the front yard of our apartment. Now it's on to bigger and better things like...worms. Grace found a huge earthworm in our backyard this past weekend and proudly carried it around everywhere in an empty yogurt container. She even had it at the park today where she finally decided to let it go.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cleaning time

Every Friday morning, I clean our bathrooms. Sounds like fun, huh? Well, it is especially nice when I have some help. Micah practically begs to help clean and follows me upstairs to do it. I couldn't resist snapping a pic of him this morning when he was cleaning the master bathroom. He will make a great husband someday, don't you think?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Funny things kids say

Mark talks nonstop, especially on our rides to and from school. Today's conversation: "Mommy, can we make a time machine? Maybe we could make one when the fireworks come. Then we can see the dinosaurs. I like dinosaurs. They eat people."

Fall Festival

Last week, we attended our church's fall festival. The girls decided to be twin cheerleaders, the older boys were firemen, and the little guy was a dalmation. Aaron went as "sound guy", and I went as a wanna be blonde actress. It was a last minute decision, as I was tired of going as frumpy, tired mom.